Bringing the community together to elevate, educate,
and employ Brevard County, Florida residents.

What is Elevate Brevard?

Elevate Brevard is a collaboration of community partners working together to elevate the lives of Brevard residents by increasing their access to postsecondary educational opportunities and sustainable employment.

What is an LCAN?

Local College Access Networks (LCANs) are community-based coordinating bodies supported by a team of community and education leaders representing: K-12 school districts, higher education, nonprofits, local government, business and economic development, and philanthropy.

What is an FCAN?

Florida College Access Network (FCAN) leads the collaborative movement to ensure every Floridian achieves an education beyond high school and a rewarding career. They envision a Florida working together where education is the pathway to economic mobility for all.

elevate – educate – employ

Using a collective impact approach, Elevate Brevard is focused on building systems and partnerships to assist in decreasing barriers to access, persistence, and attainment of post-secondary education and industry recognized credentials, leading to sustainable employment and a stronger workforce in Brevard County, Florida.


“Through a ‘collective impact model,’ Elevate Brevard is designed to bring together the business community, the nonprofit community, and the education sector to figure out how they can increase the number of kids and adults pursuing post–secondary education or certificates, so they can essentially obtain a living wage and break the cycle of generational poverty. This involves getting these kids to believe that they can not only go on to college or a certification program, but also get a good job.”

– Peter Mannino

“We really appreciate Elevate Brevard’s conscientious follow-up and support with getting nursing students to METCA.”

– Teri Jones

“I’m actually working for myself. I’m a private duty CNA. They (Family Promise of Brevard/Elevate Brevard) sent me to school to get my certificate for CNA.”

– Chyna, Cocoa Resident

Chyna’s Story

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PO Box 562666
Rockledge FL 32956